jeudi 5 avril 2018

New to RTR 2nd tank build with a whole new approach. (75 gal, 20 gal sump)

Well where to start....
This will be my second tank started with a Bio cube 29 5 years ago ( 3in sand bed :doh: and about 45 lbs of live rock, nano skimmer) .
Then about a year into the tank added a 20 gal sump with new protein skimmer, over flow and so on. Upgraded the light to a HPS.

To make a long sorry short phosphates got out of control and we all know where that leads to (I didn't then). Didn't know about quarantining fish. Got ick ended bad for me, lost my 3 year old clowns that were my first buddies in this hobby. Wife was 3 months pregnant and with all that I tore it down and have missed my tank every day. (son is 1 year old next week)

One year and a 1/2 later here I am doing it all over. (After what I went through chasing all the wrong things I cant believe I will try again but I cant be without my tank)

So pushed the Biocube to the side got myself a 75 gal and will reuse my 20 gal sump from my Biocube. I have had the tank sitting empty for about 4 weeks dry because I cant decided where to go with my tank. Maybe just maybe I am getting somewhere after reading I feel like more then I can process in a years time. :read:

I have to just say this now. Thank you "Geoff". If your reading this you have helped me really get to where I am now, and so many other also but you topped the charts for me.

Back to tank talk now,
the 75 gal will be a B.B tank with HDPE bottom ( I LOVE my sand but it don't love me) :cry: . Plan on elevating the live rock with acrylic rods or PVC pipe not sure what one yet. what do you think? Just to insure the ability to remove debris from under and around live rock when skimming. I will be starting with 60 LBS of dry rock. I have purchased a 6 stage RO/DI (no more trips to LPS to buy water that who knows the quality). I have almost doubled my investment on this hobby (don't tell the wife just yet). Will be going LED, hopefully new skimmer soon also, have a skimmer rated for 75 gal will work for now with no fish or coral I hope.

Will be hard plumbing everything together this weekend, setting up my RO/DI and Silicone the HDPE so nothing can run and hide under it.
What's everyone think? Am I heading in the right direction?

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