jeudi 19 avril 2018

Thursday checking in

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee, with bagels and scones of any flavor you like, with cream cheese and jams. Little River Coffee Bar - my local coffee spot of choice, offers toasted bagels with avocado slices. Yummmm

Hack!! I'm with Jen and others..TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! We want you on the well side of the TRT sick bay, and that means rest. We love ya, man.

George - Fantastic news about Puff!

Doug - Ain't it grand to have such a camera. Enjoy!

Jeff - What's the progress on the doxie planters. I've lost track.

Mark - Snow again? Say it ain't so. Yup, I love military bands. I played in band from Jr High through undergrad school. And military bands are the pride of the nation.

Off to Civitan. Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone.

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