samedi 28 avril 2018

Unidentified disease

Hi guys,

My fish list is as follows:

Powder blue tang
Yellow tang
Naso tang
4 x Blue chromis
Mandarin dragonet
Azure damsel
Maroon clownfish
Mimic Filefish
Midas Blenny
2 x engineer gobies

Ammonia 0.05 - 0.1
Nitrite 0.05 - 0.1
Nitrate 13
Oxygen 5
PH 8

After adding the powder blue and the naso 7 days ago (both of which were in a quarantine tank at the LFS and had been Hypo and copper treated), there was sufficient stress for some sort of disease to spread to my fish.

I was thinking my tank had had white spot and when moving the powder blue he had contracted it because he’s been flashing against a rock (not very violently) about a 10-15 times an hour. I let it slide as there was no white spots visible and he was eating and everyone else seemed okay. The Midas Blenny has recently started flashing pretty violently from time to time on the rock, one of the chromis flashing and the yellow tang flashed for the first time today. Upon closer inspection I saw white patches (not spots but like blemishes) on both sides of the Blenny and he breathes pretty rapidly but eats and swims like normal most of the time..

Obviously, I want to get this under control quick but I’m not seeing white spots and I know they can take a few days to appear but I’d have thought I would have seen them by now... I do however have ammonia at 0.1 (I think due to overfeedimg so sorting that out) any ideas as to what it could be and what I should do guys? I’ll attach some videos below:

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