lundi 30 avril 2018

Dino issues NEED HELP

Well as in the title it seems like I'm losing a battle here I have a 75 gallon mixed reef with some zoas and other soft corals.

About 3 weeks ago I noticed long stringy alage with bubbles and now I cant get rid of it after doing some reading I've come to the conclusion its dino algae. I've lost all my snails and a coral banded shrimp. Fish and hermits seem fine as well as the coral.

How do I get rid of this I've been doing constant water changes about 5 gallons every 3 days and the next day it's right back. I've done 20 gallon water changes to no avail. Even siphoning and manually removing the algae by hand and nothing works.

Anyone know if they still sell the dino x treatment? Cant find it anywhere.

Also maybe what amounts of hydrogen peroxide would I dose?

I'm open to suggestions.

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