mercredi 25 avril 2018

20% water changes, fact or fiction?

Hi all,
so here's a beginner question even though Ive had my 220g mixed reef tank up and running for a couple years now. I religiously do 20% water changes every 2 weeks on my tank. Its a PITA but Ive always thought they were mandatory for a successful tank. However, Im a few days past the 2 week mark (bc life) and Im wondering, how many of you who have had tanks long term still do 20% every 2 weeks? (Maybe its different if you have a smaller tank too, idk, i change out 50-55 gallons which takes 14 hours to make and has to be stored in a 55g trash can in my kitchen.) so 18 days since last water changes, My nitrates are 0, ammonia is 0, phosphates 0, the cal/alk are fine, ph is 8.2, fish happy and healthy, corals growing etc... basically my tank is hitting the same parameters now that it does right after a water change?

My question is, am I over doing things with changing this much water every 2 weeks? Can I/should I scale back? Thank you for your thoughts!

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