lundi 30 avril 2018

Metronidazole with Inverts?

Hi all,
I have a 220g. One of my carberryi anthias is not looking great, but I cannot catch her and dont want to stress her. (I have 3, the other 2 are plump and happy, and she has lost her irradecsene and just has like matte scales and is getting thin. She has 0 outward symptoms, she is still eating and active, no dating, flashing, itching, spots, rapid breathing, etc etc etc. Ive had her 6 months). Anyway, I was going to try to feed her metroplex mixed with focus to see if that will help anything but I have corals, crabs, snails, shrimp, and nems. Im waiting for a response from seachem but anyone have any experience? Can all these inverts eat this food? Because Im sure some will get down to the sandbed or the shrimp will grab what they can etc. Thank you

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