lundi 16 avril 2018

not dead!!

Hello everyone! lots of new faces. I havent posted in so long i dont even remember the last time i visited School and work have me swamped, and were buying a house ( what a headache)
anyway, since im moving, i have some questions about DSB, hehe.
The last post i did i was having nitrate problems. One suggested theory was my rock was old and was saturated and purging itself, well ive been blowing off detritus and doing weekly water changes forever, and if i wait longer than one week to do a water change the nitrates climb back up everytime, to around 25 or 35, then taper off and slowly climb from there. the DSB is about 5 inches and is over a year old. I dont feed this tank at all, maybe once a week. got two false percs and a sixline wrasse. 120+ lbs of live rock, and about a 35-40 gallon refuge. i siphon all detritus out with water changes. caulerpa has bloomed again, due to the fact that all herbivores have been moved to another tank, and increase in nitrates. I just cant keep them down. It has total volume of around 150 gallons. My other tank, soft reef, 135 gallons, has one inch sandbed, numerous fish, and is fed regularly, and is an established tank now, nitrates hardly ever climb over 5ppm even after 3 or 4 weeks with no water change. I am wondering if it is my DSB. I am moving so ill remove it to move anyway, maybe ill just leave it out. If it is a combination of the DSB and LR then ill go barebottom for around a month or so and let the LR calm down then add maybe one inch of sand for looks, and ill up the flow a lot. Anyone have any thoughts or opinions? I want to get a handle on this nitrate issue, every time i skip a week on the water changes the nitrates climb back up and my corals start to fade, thats when i know its time for another change. At least i havent lost anything yet, but nothing is thriving for over two weeks without a water change, and im getting tired of changing all that water every week just to reduce the nitrates by a little bit.
HAHA, sorry my first post in forever is so long, but i need to get this taken care of i got plenty of other stuff to be giving me a headache right now!!

Also as a side note this has been going on for many months now.

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