mercredi 18 avril 2018

My second first reef tank

Hi Everyone,
I set up this account almost four years ago when I tried a 20 gal reef tank, which lasted about a year before I took it down to change apartments. I was having constant troubles with coral bleaching, suicidal anemones, and a slowly dissolving zoa rock so I didn't try again until a few months ago when I finally bought a house and could try again to do it right.

Well, here is what I have so I can link to this thread if I need to post any questions:

90 gal, with ~20 gal sump.
80lbs live sand and 100lbs live rock.
2 x 1600 gph powerheads, plus a few hundred gph of return flow
Bubble Magus Curve 5 Skimmer
27 W Marineland LED strip, as well a 165 W LED fixture. Both sit directly on glass cover of tank, which probably filters the light some.

1 Starry Blenny
3 Bangai Cardinalfish
1 Green Clown Goby
~2 scarlet hermits
~10 bumblebee snails
~10 nassarius snails
1 Tiger Conch
2 or 3 peppermint shrimp
1 small ricordia mushroom
1 sad-looking zoa frag that looked much nicer in the LFS

temp 78-80, sg 1.025, ph 8.3ish, nitrate/nitrite/ammonia all 0, phosphate was 0.25 when I tested at LFS a few weeks ago.

I have a Tiger Wardii Goby and Onespot Foxface on order, and plan to add a pair of clown fish and one day hopefully one (or a pair) of mandarin dragonnettes.


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