vendredi 13 avril 2018


Hello everyone,

I recently transferred all of my fish over from a heavily over-stocked 150L to a 400L. The move went fine and all of he fish have been in there a week with no issues. I bought a Midas Blenny and added him at the same time as adding my other fish and everything seemed fine but white spots have started to appear on the Midas and they are becoming more and more visible. He was scratching on the rock a lot too but that’s sort of stopped. I did see one spot on my mimic filefish’s fin and my yellow tang has started to present himself to be cleaned by the cleaner shrimps.

Now I know the best way to treat ich is to tear the tank down and hospital tank etc but this method really isn’t possible for me. I appreciate this limits me massively but what else can I do to not necessarily eradicate the icy but contain it and sort of live with it? I have purchased a UV steriliser to add to the tank in a week and supports a larger volume than my tank volume. I know that won’t cure it but I’m hoping it will help. I have also (as of today) got an extensive test kit and finally got he ability to test oxygen, phosphates etc etc so I should be able to get my water quality quite good. I also as of today bought seachem garlic dip that you soak the food in before feeding so I’m hoping this will help also. All of the fish are eating and acting normal and the itching isn’t really happening with any other fish than the Blenny and he isn’t doing it too much.

Am I doing everything okay? Can I do anything else other than tear the entire tank down (as that simply isn’t a possibility)? Thankyou.

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