vendredi 13 avril 2018

A nice windy Friday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends we'll be seeing today.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Sunny, but windy.....and tickling 80+ for a high. Yeah, now THIS is spring weather! A lazy morning in the kitchen as the puppy is in the playing mood, so Cherry Frosted Pop Tarts and coffee. Feeling perhaps 40% better, and that's a heap! Just kinda acts like a good ole fashioned knee knocking cold. Getting busy at the creek......and to add to the challenge of emptying our yard out, the boss decided a few 'early season' service calls would be a good thing? Even got to go out an retrieve my first broken down boat of the season. Was able to get him going, but followed close behind in case. While working out there on him, some yobo decided to fly past us, rolling us silly, and managed to jam my thumb, which made the rest of the repair a touch painful. Hope all the very best for all,

Hack's Reef

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