mardi 10 avril 2018

LED's (Black Boxes vs DIY vs High End)

Okay so there are going to be so many different ideals here, and that's what I love about this website. It helps me and I'm sure many others to understand different things we haven't tried yet that some have. If you had to choose one of the 3 LED's set ups listed below tell us all why.

1.) Chinese Black Boxes

2.) DIY leds

3.) High End ( that step up from the black box)
Okay so the big picture here is I NEED HELP. There are so my options with LED's and I don't know where to begin to decided.

This isn't a contest to see what cost the most its more on the lines of what's the best programmable, dependable, customizable, repairable and or easiest to setup and monitor. Overall what's the best bang for your buck?

No answer is a wrong answer here. Just throw out there what you use, and why, and what results your getting from it.

Thanks everyone in advance, Happy Reefing :fish:

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