lundi 2 avril 2018

Cycle/Clean up Crew Questions

I am at week 4 of a new tank cycle. I am new at saltwater tanks.
I completed my first 20% water change yesterday. But I have topped my tank off 3 times with distilled water a gallon each time. I did not add fish to my tank until ammonia, nitrite and nitrate was back to 0.

I used Dr. Tim's Ammonia to do a fish less cycle at day 1. It seems more humane and worked well.

The end of the second week I had a lot of green algae and turned my reef lights off for a couple days. It helped. But within the 3rd week, brown algae took over so I added a conch snail, 3 hermit crabs, 1 lawnmower blenny and a cleaner shrimp because the brown algae was taking over. The brown algae is almost gone. I feed my cleaning crew to be sure they have enough to eat but not too much. I am winging this venture along with reading everything online. There is a lot of different views out there.

Week 4 Readings right before water change:
Nitrate was at 0 to 40 to 0 to 10
Ammonia 0 to 50 to 0
Nitrite 0 to 5 to 0
Phosphate 0 to .25
Calcium 340
Alkalinity 6dkh
Salinity 1.022
PH 7.8 to 8.2

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