jeudi 5 avril 2018

coral though i havent been on here enough with problems and questions the last two weeks...I have one first coral..about 2-3 days ago i noticed it not coming diamond goby has disturbed the sand it was on sitting on..and also spit some crushed coral/sand on it so i moved it away from his latest new burrow..all parameters are pretty good nitrates are maybe .10 ph 8.2 salinity 1.025 i dont have tests for calcium but use seachem vibrant sea which has good numbers for calc stront etc..water change was about 2-3 weeks ago about 50-60 percent.other than a piece of crushed coral on top of it..and a new goby burrow nearby ..I moved it and the tentacles arent coming out..the mouth..which was open some that i picked it up to examine..the mouth is larger..and it looks like the tissue in the mouth has receeded and it even bigger...the color appears fine..its closed up as far as the tentacles..advice much appreciated..

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