mercredi 4 avril 2018

Baggai Cardinalfish GONE


I had (had being the keyword) 2 adult baggai cardinals (they are bigger than pretty much everything in my tank), they had been happy in my tank for MONTHS. One is definitely a male because he’s MUCH larger and has a massive fin on top of him in comparison to the other who is much smaller but they were sold to me as a pair anyway. Both eating, swimming being normal for weeks and weeks and I woke up one morning last week and the female was gone. I checked ammonia: 0 I visually checked the sides, back and front of the rocks and nothing there... there is nothing aggressive towards my cardinals in the tank and besides, nothing has a big enough mouth to eat her. It’s now been about 6-7 days and there is still no sign. The male is perfectly fine but the female is still missing and doesn’t come to eat. I’ve not dismantled my aquascape because frankly if the fish is hiding in there it wants to hide in there and also it will disrupt the rest of the fish in my tank hugely. I’ve tested for ammonia on every day and there’s been nothing. Any ideas guys? My tank has a lid and is only opened by me and I’m always there when the lid is open so it’s not on the floor (I checked just in case). Any ideas? Is it possible that there are baby cardinals on the way and she’s just hiding or..? I appreciate the help!

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