samedi 30 septembre 2017

Should i get Wyoming white clownfish?

So i'm getting pretty close to first fish for my reef tank. My I decided to go check out some fish to get a better idea of what I want. Well.... I found Wyoming white clown fish pair (not mated as far as I'm sure). I immediately wanted them because they were the exact fish I want to add first and it's a killer deal. I asked to put them on hold till tomorrow if I decide to buy them. The problem is my nitrogen cycle is not complete. I did put a bottle of Bio-Spira the first day which really good at making the water fish ready. The owner of the store suggested i could do a huge water change to my tank with some "instant aquarium" water that she keeps at the store for when he starts a new tank for a client and wants it cycled asap. Im not exactly sure what it is. So if i do that i could just come back the next day to pick up the fish and bring them home. Would this be okay?, since the water is going to be filled with bacteria. They still are a fish i wouldn't want to lose.

Something is eating my coral.

Not sure what it is. I've had this piece of coral for a week and already half of it's gone. I thought that it was the long spine urchin I had till I got rid of it. What I do have in my tank (75 gallon) is
1 clown fish, blue green chromis, carpenter goby, a sand sifting goby, pencil urncin, a serpent startfish, snails. The only other coral I have is a Frogspawn and it's doing good. Water prams are good just checked them today. Ca is a little low so I've been dosing it to bring it up.

ASM G5 Skimmer for sale

The skimmer is an ASM G5 skimmer. It is rated for up to 700 gallons, and new it cost $640. It has two Sedra 9000 pumps. It had the recirculate mod done to it in the past, but the holes were patched up as the mod didn't seem to help foam production. One of the pumps' covers is broken and has zip ties to hold it in place. I ran it this way for a year, so you can too. However, if you want you could replace the pump. A few years ago, just before deciding to move to a smaller skimmer, I replaced one of the impellers. I paid $60 for the impeller, and it basically hasn't been used since then. This isn't a pretty skimmer, but it is a beast. I just want to find a good home for it, so I'm only asking $75 for everything.

Hope someone has a use for it!

FYI I've been told my PM doesn't work, so just respond here instead of sending me a PM.

A fall'ish seashore Saturday

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! Just a quick, by flash light check in.......tip toeing around sleeping bodies, and Jen doing her cakes, ALL NIGHT! A table full of Dunkin Donuts to grab with your coffee this morning. Hope all are well, and will check back latter when I return from the office.

vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Cycling a 20 gallon high- lighting question

Hello - I just decided to switch from fresh to salt last week and I have an Aqueon 20 gallon high kit with led. I'm considering this a test run to see if I like (and am successful ) at this hobby. I don't want to invest a lot extra in this tank setup in case I decide to do a significant upgrade a few months down the line. That being said I want to do a reef tank with soft coral and want to know if the led light that came with the tank will be good enough for the coral. Currently my tank is cycling with 30 lbs of primo Florida live rock and live sand. Thanks. K Ps I had to cut something off my live rock today. It started growing white slime and smelling like a nursing home. Very meaty whatever it was. A scallop maybe. Any ideas.

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Strange thing growing...

Hey Reefers...I have some strange stuff growing out of a green paly group. It's white and has longer points. They don't move freely. I've touched and they are solid with some slight give. Almost like a sponge of some kind? I don't know. I'll attach pics if anyone has some insight. Thank you as always. I will send some recent tank pics as well...although my phone camera makes them blueish. First pic is paly alien..

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Quick Links/Unanswered Posts

Can we get the unanswered posts link fixed under quick links? It was my main way of finding questions to help with but it no longer properly functions. I am not able to fix this one myself. I posted about it in the Admin section but find it's still broken. Maybe others miss it as well?

Starting a frag tank?

Hey Y'all!

So I have a spare 20 long tank just sitting around, a big HOB filter, light, extra pumps, heater, etc etc. Basically, everything to start another tank. But I don't particularly like having two DTs to manage. I thought it would be very cool to setup a frag tank! Without using a sump, BTW. I can get some eggcrate and start expanding and growing my softie collection. LPS is a possibility, but not SPS yet; mainly soft corals.

What are some of the big issues/concerns/items to do properly and watch out for in a frag tank? Also, what is the maintenance of a frag tank like? Max, I assume that one fish would be good to keep up the bio load and filtration, is that correct? As far as cleaning and water changes, I would want this tank to be as simple as possible. Lastly, what, if any, dosing should there be?

Sorry to sound like a complete noob, but I've never started or even thought of starting a frag tank before.

Thanks in advance!!!

You'll ❤ this, Innovative Marine fans!

You'll ❤ this, Innovative Marine fans!

Earn 10% back on every Innovative Marine purchase!

Happy Birthday Loverotties

Happy Birthday to Loverotties.


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Good morning to all our TRT Friends stopping by today....HAPPY FRIDAY! Cool morning, and only climbing into the low 70's, so sounds like a good day for a hot breakfast to get us started......Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! And hope this cooler weather brings with it opportunities to get out there and enjoy yourself today. :beer: The boss is getting ready to leave for Maine Sunday for a few weeks, leaving me to baby sit. Will still be in the doldrums historically for this time period, so a good time for him to vamoose. Hope the day finds all safe and well, and groovy things ahead...all the best,

jeudi 28 septembre 2017

what should i test for in my water

hey guys i just want to get some input on what you or most reefers test for in there water. I already understand testing your salinity is very important for success along with ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. I will be starting to stock my nano tank soon with just a few fish but mostly corals. Of course I'm a noob at this all but am trying to give it my best shot. Besides what i have already listed what else should i test for in my water to ensure my coral and fish are healthy and increase their growth.

Starting quarantine tank???

So first of all thanks again for everyone replys to all of my other posts. I know I have bombed this forum with tons of threads , but I do appreciate all the help.

So this is kind of a two part question post.

First question is I have a small 32 gallon biocube with three fish that died from what I thought was ich. I've done a bunch of reasearch and decided to go fallow for 80 days and keep my few corals alive. After reading more about ich I'm kind of thinking my fish died from velvet not ich. How much worse is that and will going fallow for 80 days get rid velvet of it like ich.

So my other bright idea was while I was waiting for 80 days I would set up a fowlr and sand and make a quarantine tank. The plan being get some fish in there and make sure they don't have ich and hopefully qt them for a couple months that way when my 80 days are up in my main tank I can add fish right away then boom back in action.. so now I have a fluval evo 13.5 gallon , live sand, rodi saltwater and was planing on getting it wet Saturday then driving to the lfs and grab some fully cured live rock and start cycling..

My guy at the lfs says he qt his fish but treats for ich anyways , just in case. He was telling me if I did treat with copper It would containment my live rock and sand, which sucks bc I was hoping to qt my fish and then maybe turn it into a mini frag tank.. he was saying if I did treat he wouldn't ever add coral to the tank with that same live rock or sand. Heck he said he probably wouldn't even use the tank again for coral.. mind you this is the owner who has tons of knowledge, and he doesn't sell me tanks or anything. He was actually talking me out of buying rock from his store if I was making a qt tank. And talking me into setting up a Bb basic QT with pvc and what not for hiding places

Ok now for the questions. Would you treat your fish just in case in your qt tank? If you treat your qt with copper will it ruin your rock, sand, and even tank forever? Or not ruin but not be able to add coral to it do to copper...

Man I was so bummed about m fish then got all fired up to make a cool qt tank then turn it into a mini frag tank, :doh:

Coral Identification

How's it going everyone? I recently was gifted some frags from a fellow reefer but he nor I know the names. Can anyone here shine some light on the names of the coral in the included picture. I do know the big rock is covered in GSP. If this is in the wrong section let me know.

Thanks in advance, Dylan.

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A lot of BIG DEALS end soon. Here's our TOP 3!

A lot of BIG DEALS end soon. Here's our TOP 3!

PLUS new gear from Aquatic Life and Oceanbox Designs!

new tank ph dropping

Hey guys so i'm just cycling my nano reef tank and have been checking my levels daily if not 2 times a day. When i first got it up and running the ph was about 8.2 but over the last week slowly been dropping. when i just checked the ph it was around 7.7 which i believe is low but still fine. Is this normal for a new tank when getting established or could they're be something i'm doing. I have old live rock that has been in my house for over a year plus live sand. Also i added 1piece of table shrimp for starting my nitrogen cycle and added a bottle of bio-spira to get some bacteria going in this tank. Should i just ride it out or should i try and do something to fix it.

Help...I think one of my clowns died :(

This morning when I woke up one of my pair of occelaris clowns was missing. This is very unusual because they usually stay towards the top of the tank. I tested my water and everything was where it is supposed to be. Temp and salinity are good as well. I have a 40 gal breeder with about 40lbs live rock and live sand, rodi water. A few sps corals, snails, pistol shrimp goby pair, small purple bristle star, blue mandarin goby. Tank has been going strong for about 5 months with no issues. I'm pretty sure the clowns were bread in captivity . I'm assuming the pistol shrimp took the dead fish into his cave but I'm not sure what caused it to die? Any thoughts???

Getting Rid of Toxic Waste

A couple of times a year my town has a drop off place for all the toxic liquids you have laying around that you can't or at least should not put in the garbage and they frown on you dumping it down the storm drains in the street.

Today is the day to do this so I gather all this stuff that I have accumulated in my house over the last almost 40 years I have been living here.

I got helicopter fuel, gasoline, fluorescent green paint, insect killer, sulfuric acid, hydraulic acid, Prizapro, two part epoxy, cleaning fluid, barnacle killing paint, grub poison, weed killer, grass killer, fungus killer, Godzilla Killer, carburetor cleaner, crank case oil and a number of other toxic things.

I take all this stuff and cram it into my car and bring to the beach where they will pick all this waste up. Its a beautiful day and I am enjoying the scenery to the beach.

It's a beautiful and large beach and I am now looking for the pick up point. I don't see anyone there except a girl wheeling a baby carriage. I notice there was a baby in the carriage so i am pretty sure she is not going to take this toxic waste off my hands. I drive to the water and notice the white caps as it is windy.

So I call the Town at 311 and hear the taped message. Then 1 press one for English.
"This conversation will be recorded" OK record it. "All of our operators are busy helping other residents"

Of course they are. (They only have one operator ) So finally I get this friendly sounding girl and she asks me how she can help me. I tell her I am at the beach looking for the toxic waste pick up place. She tells me to enjoy the beach because it is next month.

OK, so I screwed up by a month. Thats better than a year so I head home with all this stuff in my car.

Now I start thinking, if I, God Forbid get into an accident now. All of this stuff in the back will pour all over me. If that happens I will probably turn into Green Lantern, the Incredible Hulk, Spider Man, The Flash, The Torch, Iron Man and Batman's Penguin.
(But not Wonder Woman)

I would be also be fluorescent green, on fire and be able to fly and leap tall buildings in a single bound, but the best thing would be that I could kill bugs with my breath. :biggrin:

Yellow Tang in small tank

I knew that title would get everyone's attention! So here's my tank: 40 breeder with 20 sump, so a 60 system. Rock-work is not very "dense", and allows for a lot of swimming room. Could I, get a Yellow Tang (when the time is right) as a juvenile, then trade/sell/give him away once I feel that he is about to be to big for the tank. For example, get a YT when its about 1-1 1/2, then give him away once its 3-4.

Ooooooooorrrrrrrr... By that time, i might be able to upgrade to a suitable tank, just for the YT. :wink3:

Basically, is there any major problems with keeping a YT as a juvenile in a "smaller" tank? Has anyone done it with success?

I know the Yellow Tang police are prolly gonna come out, but I'm not looking for the extreme views on either end of the spectrum.

TRTI Thursday

Morning everyone. Well, it will me morning at some point.

Hate TRTI when on the road. Not much to do in the hotel room.

Cooler today, and hopefully lots of materials will come in for my pilot production line. We are planning to get building next week and things are down to the wire.

Need to figure out a way to ship beverages out to a couple of people as well. Drove all the way across the state to get them.

Denise flies out tomorrow morning from Ohio for a tourist weekend. It is so hot and dry that the Vermont fall color is non existent this year.

Enjoy your Thursday. Coffee is on. I'll pick up syrup too. Looks like a big seller up here.

mercredi 27 septembre 2017

30% OFF ELOS Test Kits & Additives + Mariculture Frag Rock

Substrate question please

My daughter is coming to visit this weekend and we are going to set up her 20 gal tank.

She want's to put a Beta fish in it, but I might be able to convince her to go with a saltwater tank with "Nemo" fish Maybe Dori too (she's just a kid okay?)

But my reef tank is bare bottom and she doesn't like that. She wants to keep the gravel from the freshwater tank. Would this be okay for a saltwater tank? Of course I will thoroughly clean it.


alk KH test help

k so i added 16 drops of my KH alk test kit and how do i figure out where im at? and also is it neccessary to do a PH test also since they are the same thing ? or r they ?

Customize Your Sump with Somatic

Customize Your Sump with Somatic

Start with an affordable sump/skimmer bundle then add on precision-fit accessories like dosing containers, a probe holder, and an ATO reservoir to improve the performance and capabilities of your filter system. Somatic's modular accessories can be added all at once or one at a time.

Sump setup help.

Hi guys. So I bought a 6 ft tank with a sump setup the other day ( im upgrading from a 4ft fowlr with canister filters) and I'm in the middle of plumbing it all in. It's a 450 dt and 150 sump. The return pump is a jebao dcs9000. I have a tmc600 uv to add to this and I'm wondering which setting I should have the return pump on if the uv is setup inline with it as I don't really want to add another pump etc. Thanks in advance.

adding damsels

Quick question all...
94 gallon corner, bow front. Lots and lots of rock and sand.

2 Ocellaris clowns
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 Kole tang
3 azure damsels
3 blue/green chromis
1 ingnitus anthias
2 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint

Softies, LPS and zoas

I would like to add either 2 more azure damsels or 3 blue sapphires. Anybody have any opinions about whether the sapphires would be a problem? As of now it is a very peaceful tank. Damsels have lots of hiding spots for sleeping and are great during the day.

Thoughts are appreciated.

Halfway there Wednesday!

Top of the morning TRT Folks, and....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Partly cloudy and in the low 80's here at the shore. Thomas's English muffins with an assortment of jellies to go with our coffee this morning. Back to a slowing trend at work through the rest of the week, but could change with one phone call. Wishing all the best this day has,

mardi 26 septembre 2017

First water change..?

Hello new reefer here.
Just getting my tank cycling and got a few questions for the mean time. Im using bio spira and table shrimp for cycling my tank and it just got past the ammonia peak so most of the cycle is in the nitrite and starting to get a little reading on the nitrate. So when should i start doing water changes? Im not sure if i should wait for most of the cycle to complete or if i should be changing the water throughout the cycle. Also Im planning on adding gfo in a tumbler and not sure how ill add carbon but im thinking in a media sock(if anyone has a better idea let me know but i am limited in space so i think this will be my best bet). Anyways when should i start adding the gfo and carbon to the tank? or does it not matter and i could start running them right now.

Now In Stock: AI Prime HD FW

Now In Stock: AI Prime HD FW

Get fresh with Aqua Illumination's new Prime HD FW!

Can I dose magnesium itself?

I imagine this might be a dumb question,but I cannot find specific information on it.i am wondering if I can just dose magnesium to raise it.i am unsure if adding this will cause a change in my calcium and alk which seem ok.i know people like to know tank info so here it is:

75 gallons,20 gallon roughly 85-90 gallons
Tank up for almost 2 years,20% water change religiously every two weeks using reef crystals salt.
My parameters are currently 8 alk 460 calcium 1160-1200 magnesium
I use kalkwasser in my top off,at 1 tsp per gallon
Corals include gsp, Duncan,Kenya tree,some zoas,alveopora,mushrooms,birdsnest,frogspawn
I also have a goniorapora which hasn't opened up in some time.all the rest seem to be doing fine.but I have lost some corals,and because of this I am hesitant to buy more until I figure out what the problem is.every time I check nitrate and ammonia,they read the same,what I assume is 0.if it matters,my lighting is 4 bulb is generally on the low side,7.8-8

Basically I'm just wondering if I can boost magnesium without having any negative side effects

ID Hitchhikers

Hi y'all, I bought a Xenia frag recently and there were 2 interesting things on it that I would like to know.

1st attachment has the appearance of some sort of GSP that I've never seen before.

The 2nd attachment are a whole load of these purple polyps bedding the frag rock and have a white center.

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Clown fish pair acting strange?

I have two regular clownfish and I believe they paired up some time ago. I've had the tank up and running for a year. It's a 20g long. Anyway they keep just swimming and chilling at the bottom of the tank in different spots apart. Is this normal? They do sleep in their anemone at night. And the smaller one likes to swim in my hammer. What are they doing? Is it normal for them to be apart? I'm bad at doing research and it confuses me. So if anyone can simplify clownfish behavior I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Hammerhead coral problem

Hi all. Can anyone help me with the problem I have with my hammer coral. It was fine when put in for few days but since then half seems to be gone. Can anyone help please. All parameters are spot on etc. My other hammer is fine

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Total noob who inherited a salt water tank

Hi folks. While I'm learning how to best utilize this forum, I have some immediate questions and probably need a sick amount of assistance.
Back story. My friends son unfortunately passed, and he left behind a salt water tank. I offered to take the tank so my friend didn't have to worry about the fish, she had plenty other things to do. The tank is a 29 gallon (I think) Biocube. I have two black clownfish, a Bangai cardinal, a watchman Goby, a purple fire fish, a neon blue yellow tail damsel and three shrimp. The tank did have coral, but his friend took the coral for me and set up the tank. It has some live rock as well.
I have pretty much no idea how to properly care for this tank. I've taken care of fresh water tanks before, but I have a pretty limited memory of it other than partials and water tests.
Right now I'm having a fairly significant red algae bloom, which I treated yesterday with something the local fish store sent me home with. I'll do a 20% partial tomorrow. I'm also getting a lot of green algae on the glass, which I scrape off about every third day. I've only had the tank about 5 weeks. I'm just happy everything's alive right now!
I'm feeding fish flake (which is what he was feeding) but I started using frozen shrimp recommended by the store.
I'd love some feeding tips, maintenance help, pretty much anything broken down into "for dummies" so I can properly keep these lovely fish.
Thanks in advance.

Weird cycling


I am not new to the hobby and have cycled many tanks in my life but the tank I started 2 days ago has confused me..

I just set up a Nuvo 10 nano tank with some live rock(From the LFS),dead rock and dead sand.Day one I got everything running and added some fish food to help the cycle kick off.Day 2(today) I tested my parameters and I got some weird readings can anyone help explain why I have these reading or if my test kits(RedSeaTestKits) are just no good.


Welcome to Tuesday!

Good morning to all our TRT Friends who'll be joining us at the training table today, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! Beginning another cool off around here, under cloud cover......and our weather seems to be up for grabs for a while around here thanks to Maria. Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee this morning. Hack is being picked up this afternoon and is going to the Philly's game tonight. Though I know by now he already knows, but WILL be told again, WE STAND DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM! Jen is slowly getting busy with her cake business once again, as well as dog grooming that she left behind when Nate was little. Hope all have incredibly cool stuff ahead for their day, and hope you'll share the tale with all of us latter....all the best,

lundi 25 septembre 2017

New tank setup questions


I would like to set up a tank I have mainly to grow corals and maybe anemones.

The tank is:

19 Imperial Gall
22.5 US gal
85 ltr

I know what I am going to do for filtration and lighting, but I'm not sure about the following:

1-Should I have a substrate? If so what should I use and how deep?
2-Does it need live rock?
3-Would it be okay to just put the frags on the bottom or should I put in a plastic grid to raise them all up?


Please ID this anemone

Not sure which one this is... Got it bleached out and revived him to this healthy guy. Not sure if my pictures attached

50+ products on Sale & Clearance

DON’T forget to check these deals out!

cycling reef tank with bio spira

Hello guys. First post to the reef tank site and also just starting up a reef tank after some time.
Im set up in a fluvial m60 all in one tank with modification that don't matter for my question today, at least i don't think?
Any ways i got a ro/di set up and been making water for a few day glued my rocked together got my live sand in and just added salt water this morning. So I'm basically decided I'm going to use bio spira to speed up the nitrogen cycle. I believe thats what its for? My question is will i need to add a source of ammonia or will bio spiral work to get it cycled with the live sand. The rock I'm using is from my first go at a saltwater tank but is not live anymore. Finally should i add invertebrates like snails, hermit crabs, and shrimp before fish? How long would you guys wait for that.
Any replies will help, thanks!!

cycling reef tank

Hello guys. First post to the reef tank site and also just starting up a reef tank after some time.
Im set up in a fluvial m60 all in one tank with modification that don't matter for my question today, at least i don't think?
Any ways i got a ro/di set up and been making water for a few day glued my rocked together got my live sand in and just added salt water this morning. So I'm basically decided I'm going to use bio spira to speed up the nitrogen cycle. I believe thats what its for? My question is will i need to add a source of ammonia or will bio spiral work to get it cycled with the live sand. The rock I'm using is from my first go at a saltwater tank but is not live anymore. Finally should i add invertebrates like snails, hermit crabs, and shrimp before fish? How long would you guys wait for that.
Any replies will help, thanks!!

First time mixing salt problems

Hey Y'all

Been awhile since I was on here, but I guess we all come back when we have questions.

Setting up a new tank, 40 breeder with 20 long sump, so I bought my first RO unit. Makes water pretty slow, but ill only need to fill 50+ gallons at a time once (hopefully). And since I only have a few 5 gal buckets, I figured I'd add the water to the tank, then add salt and mix inside the tank. So I added about 20 gallons of water, and mixed the salt for the whole tank. I knew it was going to be a high salinity, but didn't think that it would hurt, as I am continuing to add water. Now, the tank became very cloudy, and had a thin film develop on the sides and bottom (mainly bottom), but I cleaned that off easily. Water is still very cloudy, but after 12 hours, visibility is about 5-6 inches now, compared to about .5-1. Also, water was less then room temp, but I am beginning to heat it now. And I have had a powerhead in it the whole time.

I know that I prolly screwed up, and adding the salt to much, to early can cause problems. My question is, will the cloudiness eventually settle, do I have to replace all the water again, and will it cause issues with the tank in the future?

Looong *onday

Morning everyone.

Yard chores today, then fly tonight getting to Vermont around midnight.

Coffee is on.

dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Taking out rock for deep cleaning?

I was doing a deep cleaning today- as a foreword, I have a 30g cube and 20g fuge/sump, so it isn't as laborious taking out some rock. My goal is to get as much detritus as possible. I want to swish some rocks in a bucket from time to time. The zoa's I have seem pretty resilent to the washing.

I took out some rock, shook up some sand, vacumed out the low BB fuge, scrubbed some stuff, and swapped some water.

Do any of you all really 'shake up' the tank for a good cleaning?

A sunny seashore Sunday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SUNDAY! Sunny and will be near on 90 for a high today....WOW! Scrambled egg and sausage bowls to go with our coffee this morning and some cinnamon buns if'n you still have the room. This is going to feel soooo strange for a while not posting pink milk for an eye opener. heading into church this morning, and then facing an open slate for our day.......hmmmmmmm? Well with only my first cup of coffee opening shop in my brain, I'm thinking a day walking through the Cape May Zoo with a picnic lunch sounds very doable. :idea: I only have a 1/3 vote here so we'll have to see how the rest of 'the house' votes, and if'n any can be turned. :D I hope all the very best for all, and get out there and enjoy the waning days of summer like weather,

Sump questions

I have a 20 gal laying around from my old fw tank. I'm thinking of using it as a sump so what would the recommended turnover rate be for a 20 gal and what overflow turnover rate should I aim for? Thanks

High nitrate


I have 20 gallon nano tank with 10 gallon sump. I do water change 50% 2 weeks ago and 10-20% weekly. Using Aquatic Life Protein skimmer. Dosing Macrobacteria7 and Bio Fuel everyday 1-20 drops. However, my nitrate getting high and now with API test kit I got 160ppm. There are 2 clowns fishes, soft coral, candy, brain coral, several shrimps, crab, hermit and snails. Nothing dead during few month except pompom crab, 1-2 hermit and missing snails. I feed them 2 or 3 days term. I put some mangroves and Red Grape Tree Macro Algae and 24/7 lighting to reduce nitrate but nothing help and seems dying. I don't think water change will not help to reduce nitrate to me. Could you help to figure out what is the problem? Or any suggestion?


samedi 23 septembre 2017

Weird Peppermint Shrimp Behavior

Hello All:
94 gallon, corner, reef.
Sump, UV, skimmer

2 ocellaris clowns
3 blue/green chromis
1 ignitus anthias
2 cleaner shrimp
numerous zoas and softies and mushrooms
Kole tang
2 azure tail damsels

No livestock is new other than the mushrooms which are about a week old.

I 7 bought peppermint shrimp about 19 months ago. One was little and died immediately. The others thrived. One somehow ended up in my sump. No idea how he got there.

In the last 24 hours, all of the pepps (except the one in the sump that is fine) have become lethargic, turned white, and either disappeared and just died. They used to be active all over the tank 24/7.

Nitrates- about 30 (never been below 20. I can't do it. not sure how.)
Nitrites - 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.2
Sal: 1.0235
KH: 11
CA: 340
Phosphates: 0
Copper: 0

I dose vodka, phosbuster and purple up every once in a while and probably less than allowed. The only change I have made is dosing Red Sea KH Coralline Grow (not at the same time as purple up). And I dose that far less than suggested. And that was a week ago.

I also put in less than a pound of new Reef Saver Dry Live rock from BRS that I soaked and rinsed in RO/DI for about 5 days.

Could it just be the lifespan of the shrimp? Or did I mess something up? Nothing else seems out of order.


Two Tek T5 4 bulb fixtures for sale

I have two 36" Tek T5 4 bulb fixtures for sale. The bulbs are old, so they need new bulbs. One has the acrylic splash guard, and one does not.

$45 each or $80 for the pair.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Just Upgraded My 55g to a 75g

Haven't been here in a while but thought I would share my new tank upgrade. We moved houses and instead of moving the actual tank of my 55g, thought why not just get a 75g and have it setup in the new place.

So I had added new water to the 75g tank, had wavemakers going in it and a heater. Then grabbed all my stuff in the 55g, keeping the rocks submerged in water while transferring and just set it up in the new tank.

I run a very simple setup so the transfer was quite easy. I did add a HOB Reef Octopus skimmer which is working great. Fish all ate the first night in the new tank and it has been about a month now with everything going great.

I run a BB tank so sand was not an issue. I am a believer that everything needed for the fish to survive is in the rock so the actual tank and water wasn't a concern to me. I know there are people who say to let a new tank run for a few weeks before adding my fish but it's not like my rock is going to be any different. All the bacteria is already there that's needed to support my livestock. Corals have also been out since day 1.

Adding anthias

Hello all,

I'd like to add an anthias. I have one ignitus already. He had a mate who died in july.

I also have
2 oce clowns
1 lawnmower blenny
3 azure tail damsels
3 blue green chromis
1 kole tang

Assorted shrimp and softies.

95 gallon. Lots of rocks. Live sand.

I'd like to add one more colorful fish. Maybe another type o anthias. Something active and colorful.

Any ideas?


First Saturday of fall

stupidly HOT for our weekend down here...blood isn't getting a chance at adjusting to temp swings. MS Bike-a-thon is going on around here this weekend....always good for a good traffic snarl. Hope all are doing well, and are safe,

Regal Tang advice

Hi everyone, a friend is breaking down his tank and has offered me his large regal tang. He informed me in the passed when it's been stressed out it's had white spot but not recently. My tank is a year old and never had any sort of outbreak, should I be worried about introducing a fish that that's been ill in the past?

vendredi 22 septembre 2017

DIY Dosing


I would like to make my own solutions for dosing calcium, iodine, magnesium molbenum, strontium etc. I teach science at high school and have access to all the stuff I need and I have search for recipies on how to make them. BUt...none of these recipies have any information about how much to dose.

I have some Kent Marine stuff and it is very specific on how much to dose, like 5 ml/50 gallons and then like once per week, daily, etc. But none of the DIY recipies has this information.

Kind of stumped at this point.


1 month of cupramine still ongoing and suddenly ich?!!!

Hello all,
so my fish have been a month on cupramine at a .3 to .4 level for 4 straight weeks. No carbon, no skimming, just water changes and bringing Cu levels right back up, appropriate Seachem test to go with cupramine. Fish look great, look healthy, eating etc. Decide okay, 4 weeks, I can start to take it out. 75 gallon water change (its a 220g) Run carbon and Cuprisorb for about 12 hours... boom. Today my male carberryi anthias is flashing twitching and asking my neon goby for cleaning. Hes got a line of white spots on one pec fin and his tail edge looks ragged. One hazy spot on the tail of my pajama cardinal. What. the. He**???!!!! Help. I turned off the skimmer and removed carbon and cuprisorb, the levels had barely dropped anyway but I brought the Cu back up to .4 and added PraziPro. Seriously at a loss. How could they have anything?!!! Its been a month!!! Now what?!!! So frustrated. Thank you.

Who?s this little fella

I?m pretty sure this is a Bristleworm but fairly new to marine tank.. is this one I should leave in or get him out . I?m only running a 50l nano tank currently. Thanks in advance

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Buy a Hanna Checker, Earn 10% Back!

Buy a Hanna Checker, Earn 10% Back!

Get 10x Reward Points on Hanna for a Limited Time!

Replace your filter socks with the Filter Media Cup

Replace your filter socks with the Filter Media Cup


AquaMaxx Prism Lights and FC-Series Skimmers + Introducing the Filter Media Cup!


i just finished a round of bleach bath followed by a acid bath...let that sit in fw for 48 hours after the first 24 hours i added prime and then the next day i added stability to the fw soak...the rocks are now in my 75 gallon aquarium with 50 gallons of ro water and salt mix and 25 gallons of ready made boxed water with 60 pounds of live sand and a bottle of biospira enough for 30 gallons....pretty cloudy now but hopefully in the morning it will be clear....i dont have any live rocks in with these dead rocks yet thats tommrow when the tank clears questions are as 7 months long enough to cure and make live again i do 10 percent water changes weekly and if i do can i use 10 gallons from my other saltwater for the change to get the bacteria and such in the new tank.....3....also once a week do i add a frozen square of mysis shrimp....4..if i purchase rock from bulk reef supply will i have to do the baths again and let that cure for 7 months those rocks i plan on purchasing the last week in december i have chosen pukani their brs reef saver and the bulk 50 pound box if i dont have the abth them i just rinse and then add to the cycling 75 gallon asking becasue i am planning on moving the rock to a 125 gallon tank in 7 months time with that tank i plan on using all boxed water to start with new sand and let that tank run for about 6 weeks with 10 percent water change weekly and that water change will be with mixed saltwater i mix myself....then i add fish after that last 6 weeks


Good morning all and.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Sunny'ish and warm, low 80's. Got some cinnamon buns to go with our coffee this morning.....big sigh. I hauled a boat, washed it, and set it on a trailer to go by by...put 3 shafts in 2 boats....replaced an exhaust manifold in a boat at a local marina....installed a faucet in a boat.....AND installed a prop yesterday, and had time left over to 'walk around looking for something to do'. The other three guys almost finished waxing a 20' boat. Well it was a hot day. :D The boss loves to complain, and rant and rave....talks a good talk, but in the 25'ish years or so I've been there never seen him actually fire anyone. Back a handful of years ago he did have me fire a few folks, but he wouldn't....and since then, that just doesn't happen anymore. When it all boils down to it, there's him, the other mechanic out on disability, and me. The other guys are helpers :doh:, and do what they do when they do it. I've learned to count on what I can count on and do what I can do. So the complaining mostly comes from listening to the boss complain, and just saying 'YEP!'. Some folks just have different throttle settings than others....Well, now that that is out of the way...sorry, wasn't a short version,...I hope all have an incredible day, and plenty of time to enjoy it...all the best,

jeudi 21 septembre 2017

To Dip or Not To Dip?

I'm confused about dipping frags in an iodine dip.

I know one reason is to kill off pests and hitchikers, but if I am only fragging corals from my tank why bother if my tank is clean?

On the other hand, is it because the act of cutting the coral creates wounds which need to be dressed just like you might clean a cut on your hand?


Ich killed my fish

So i have a new tank only 4 months old.. had a few fish but ich took over and killed them.. my corals seem to be fine.

From what I read I can go fallow for 10 weeks and that should let the ich die off..

Is there any other way ...hate to not have fish. If I do go fishless I will feed my corals with reef roids and keep up on my water changes.. should I reduce my water changes or do a smaller amount I change about 5 gallons out of my 25 gallons weekly .. also I'm sure I will have very few nitrates . As of now I have zero but I have cheato in a fuge and keep up on weekly water changes. Will I have to get rid of my cheato bc lack of nutrients ???

Sorry for the lack of detail im pretty bummed tonight. Any info would be great.....

this normal ?

my alk tested at 15 and my calcium tested at 500 ? this normal for a 5 week old tank ? everything else was on point thta normal though to have a high cal and vertually no alk ?

Frag Rock Question Please


I have a nice piece of rock which used to be in a freshwater tank but has been out of water and dry for years.

I was wondering if it would be okay to use this rock to make rubble to which I could attach frags. It seems to be quite porous. Do I need to worry about anything leeching out like iron or other metals? Or should I play it safe and just get some dead rock?


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If you think urchins only eat algae, think again

This long spine urchin has been in my tank for quite a few years and when ever he can get it, he enjoys some clam for dessert.
I sometimes have to help him because when he approaches a piece of clam, he impales it on a spine and being he is all "thumbs" he can't get the thing off so I suck the clam off and shoot it where he can more easily get to it. This clam was a little smaller than a marble. He devoured it in a few minutes then moved along before any one noticed.

He is almost finished here. It takes him a while to maneuver it to his mouth but he gets it there.

30% OFF ELOS Test Kits & Additives + Vectra S1 Now Shipping

ELOS Test Kits & Additives

30% OFF Entire line of ELOS. Very limited supply, get your order in quickly before they sell out.

Ecotech's Vectra S1
We just received in our Ecotech S1's. For all of you that preordered, they are shipping out today. We still have stock left, so order now for immediate shipping.

Neptune LDK Leak Detection Kit
The LDK includes everything you need to enable your Apex to detect leaks in two locations and expandable up to 4.

Seapora AquaPulse Powerheads
Strong suction cup mount with adjustable angels. 3 sizes from 1320gph to 5280gph. These are very small size for the amount of water flow they produce. They offer a nice budget alternative for those that just need some water movement. Starting at only 16.99 to 32.49, you just can't beat the price.

15% OFF Damage Box Special
Bubble Magus Curve 5s

Reg $209.99 SALE $178.49
2 skimmers on our pallet shipment last week arrived with the boxes torn. They are brand new, no internal damage to the skimmer, but retail box is beaten up a bit. So we are selling these two at 15% off.

20% OFF
RedSea Test Kits & Refills

Red Sea's Test Kit includes high accuracy titration tests for the accurate measurement of the elements calcium, magnesium and alkalinity (KH) which are the basic foundation elements of coral skeletons.
Ends 9/30/2017 11:59pm at Midnight.

25% OFF VERTEX V6 Water Pump
Reg $399.99 - Sale price $299.99 (save 100 dollars)
The V6 water pump is powered by the Askoll motor block which produces 1584 gallons per hour of water flow with a maximum head pressure of 8 feet (2.5 meters). At 65 watts of power this is one efficient AC pump.
Ends 9/30/2017 11:59pm at Midnight.

Summer is almost over, now is a great time to upgrade your tanks flow with a brand new Vortech pump. For the entire month of September, enjoy 10% OFF MP10's, 15% OFF MP40's and incredible 20% OFF MP60's.

35% OFF JBJ Slimline LED Fixtures
From 16" to 48", 3 sizes to choose from
Ends 9/30/2017 11:59pm at Midnight.

Help! Poorly ritteri anemone???

I started my marine setup roughly 10 months ago. My tank is well cycled and have recently added some livestock. Today I bought a ritteri anemone from a not so local fish shop. I came home, did the usuall routine, floating and adding water and everything was fine for a few hours after adding him to the tank. We sat down to dinner and noticed he doesn't seem to be doing too well. I have researched what I can and from different sites and forums he is either stressed or dying although I can't be 100% sure. He found a nice spot in the tank quite quickly and looking lovely but He has been deflated for a couple of hours with quite a puffy mouth which was open. The only thing i can see that is good at the moment is that he is still stuck to his nice piece of rock. Can anybody please give me some advice as i know many of you are well experienced and it would be greatly appreciated

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MD Interviews Roger Vitko of Tunze

Roger Vitko Interview: Discussing Tunze’s History, The Golden Rule, Product Development, and Trends in the Aquarium Hobby

MD Interviews Dave Fason of NanoBox

We Chat With Dave Fason of NanoBox About LED Lighting, Building a Following, and Supporting Small Businesses

Skimmer selection

Hi All, I have a 82 US Gallon tank with 22 G sump, which skimmer would work wrt liters / hour. Need help in selection please.

The first Thursday of fall

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY THURSDAY....FALL! Though with near on 85 deg days it's tough thinking falling leaves and the count down to the first snow fall. Like Jeff said, Indian summer is definitely upon us around here. Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee, and lack of pink milk...sniffle sniffle this morning. :( Had a boat to haul out yesterday morning.....I drove it into the lift well, got off and was going to jump up on the lift to pick it up, when I notice 3 guys just standing around not doing anything to help. Like hold the boat centered in the lift well with the high winds we had.....adjusting the slings where they needed to be, ect. Climbed back down off the lift and asked the boss, 'What;s up?'. We had a flood tide, and access to one side of the lift was blocked by about 6" of water....REALLY! A boats going to be damaged bouncing around in the lift well, not to mention guys just standing around DOING NOTHING......don't these guys take showers, or go swimming.....IT"S ONLY WATER! So of course Hack goes over there and get's the lift adjusted, AND NEVER GOT MY FEET WET. Walked on the lip of the lift rails, and hanging onto the lift for balance, and climbed back up on the lift and got her out. And the boss gave the international signal for :doh:, and the rest of the day he refereed to the Three Stooges. :D Rant over. Hope all have a super cool day, and all the best,

mercredi 20 septembre 2017

Beginner Fragger Tank Question

I have a 10 gallon nano tank which is doing very well with just 2 small fish, live rock and a bunch of soft corals. I have no filtration, just a heater and power head and do regular water tests and changes.

What would be the bare minimum requirements for a tank to grow my frags, or should I just use this tank? Can you overpopulate with corals?

I'm thinking another 10 gal tank with lighiting, heater and power head. Does it need live rock?


Skimmer suggestions

I'm starting to plan a 75gal build with a 20 gal sump and would like some skimmer suggestions. Thanks :)

Yep, it's Wednesday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! A cloudy warm late summer day.....dry and in the mid 80's. Looks like a big box of sticky buns has re-arrived in our kitchen, so let's not look a gift breakfast in the mouth...and of course plenty of coffee and *pink milk. *Looks like PINK MILK will be slowly coming to an end on our training table, as Hack has been slow at requesting it, and last night at the store he even said. 'Nah, I'm pretty tired of pink milk.'. My apologies for them I got hooked on the stuff, but I personally had never acquired a taste for it. Another sign Hack's growing up, and times change.....big sigh. Hope all are doing well this morning, with prospects of getting even cooler through your day....all the best,

mardi 19 septembre 2017

How many LPS in a nano tank?

Hey guys,

I was wondering how many LPS corals you can have in a nano tank (29g). I already have a small frogspawn frag and a nice hammer coral and I saw another hammer coral that I really like! Do you think I can get it, or 29g is a small tank for 3 LPS corals? I have plenty of space on my rocks!


Coral died back

My tank is about 6-7 month's old and I put a hammer coral in there a month ago to see if it was reef safe but one of the heads died back but there is still flesh and tiny hands in it. The other head con tinted to get bigger. I didon't clean my tank glass or add any snails in order to speed up the cycle so I have to do that you think the other head will comeback or will it completely die? If it does die do I have to separate the heads?

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A not that bad Tuesday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and...HAPPY TUESDAY! From a 'washout' to clouds and wind, and a chance of pm showers. No wonder why our weather rock has his arms up in the air like that. Simple and easy breakfast assortment of Pop Tarts to go with our coffee and pink milk around here. Hope you had a great birthday yesterday Whiskey. Hope the day treats everyone well today, and there'll be tales to tell about it latter....all the best,

lundi 18 septembre 2017

54 gallon reef tank stocking

Not sure I'm posting in right section.. but I'm new to the fish forum!

I recently got a 54 gallon corner tank as a gift. Decided to make it salt water reef tank. I have had freshwater in the past and wanted something different this time around.

I'm stuck on which fish to stock tank. Here is the fish I really want in my tank:
Flame dwarf angel
Fire fish
Royal gramma basslet
Serpent Starfish

What other fish would go good with what I listed? I do not want to overcrowd.
Thanks in advance.

Drop-Off Tank Build - Episode #11

Drop-Off Tank Build - Episode #11

Here's our latest update on the office drop-off tank!

Happy birthday to Wiskey on 9/18!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.....


Sleepless *onday greetings

*orning all :wavey:

For whatever reason, I never hit the pillows last nite , imagine I'll be paying for it during the day :doh::arg:

Should be firing up the coffeemaker soon, get those cups ready.

Will be checking back in later in the day,,

Hope everyone has a great one!:wavey:

mushrooms and zoas surviving a rock cooking?

im having a tough time getting these tiny little spots of turf algae to stop growing on the tips of my live rock structures, and im currently dosing nopox and using chaeto in sump lit with a red/blue hydroponic par 38. water tests 0ppm phosphate so i think it is time to whip out the brute and go at it again with a rock cooking.

since water tests undetectable i plan to remove one rock structure at a time and replace with a freshly cooked structure, starting with the new structure i glued together a couple of weeks ago and have been curing since.

almost all of my frags have been transported to egg crate and now all thats left is the zoas and shrooms growing on my rock that i cant get off without damaging rock/coral. would these make it through a 6-8 week dark period? also, would i be able to do large water changes on the brute say over 50% or should i run gfo and only do smaller weekly WC's? i was thinking of running lathanum chloride in a filter sock to speed things up but not sure how safe that will be.

i have a rock with my RBTA attached but i think i will leave that rock and try to shift flow or placement around until i can get him to scoot onto another rock eventually.

dimanche 17 septembre 2017

White Spot on Clown.

He has a white spot. Easy to see from pics.

What is ii and should I do anything about it?


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Candy Cane Coral randomly shedding heads

Hey all,

Long time no post...I am having a bit of an issue in my Biocube 29 that has me stumped.

My seemingly health colony of candy cane coral is randomly shedding full grown healthy (or at least they appear to be to me) heads.

Anyone have any idea what might be causing this?

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