jeudi 16 mars 2017

Chubby's 29 Gallon Biocube (Build Thread

Hola, 2 years ago had a flood in my house and had to give away all my fishies and corals etc...

Been in the hobby 20+ years (different size tanks 29, 55, 75 & 110) until the aforementioned incident. Well eventually i want to build my dream 180 gallon tank but that is going to have to wait a few years. In the meantime going to set my biocube back up to keep me busy. I cant stand not having a tank .

Starting this thread to keep a Journal of the process. Feel free to follow along and comment

Goal- to have 3-4 fish. Clown, Goby and 2 undecided fish. Mushrooms, and LPS.

03/15/2016 Replaced the tubing coming from the pump to the Loc-Line Flare Nozzle.

03/15/216 Added Water and Salt

03/16/2016 Added 30lbs of Live sand.

Tomorrow- i am going to order 25lbs or so of BRS Reefsaver rock.
4 weeks or so- Going to order a new LED light. Looking for something that comes with leg mounts that can easily attach to the bicube. Any suggestions are welcome. Prefer one with timers, remote etc...
Future- Will order Marco algae & light for the mini sump area in the back of the tank. Also plan to purchase a skimmer. Recommendations welcome.

Going to start the cycle once the rock is delivered not in a rush so will let it sit for a bit :)

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