mardi 18 octobre 2016

Stone Crab

I am new here, and trying to find our some information to help me raise a stone crab. I know they are taboo, and I didn't intentionally bring him home! He was a hitchhiker from a trip to the gulf in July. I set up a reef tank earlier this year, my first saltwater tank. While at the beach my fiance and I found some small clams we thought would make a nice addition to our tank, we scooped up some water and brought them home in it. He was in the water! (BTW.. lesson learned!) But he was so tiny and we didn't know what he was at first. I floated him in the reef tank in a 'breeder tank' and watched him grow. He started out clear and is now a beautiful blue crab with spots! I'm just wondering if anyone else has a stone crab they are raising and if so if they have any suggestions or pointers?

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