dimanche 22 novembre 2015

My 40 breeder money eater

Since the downsize of the 75 I decided to transfer everything back to a 40 breeder. I just really like the size and if/when I'm going up again it will be to a 4x2x2 120 gallon. It has been about 3 months now since setting this up and have been doing some work over the last few months.

I had a 40 breeder and a 75 gallon stand so I reinforced the 75 gallon stand under where the corners of the 40 breeder will be. I didn't want a screen top so I thought a 12" canopy would do for jumping fish.

I had it set up with my eBay leds. Unfortunately one of my fixtures the blue channel went out so I only had one fully working fixture. It was ok, but not really doing it for me.

So I got new lights. 6 bulb T5HO fixture ATI lights with moonlight leds. I have these on a timer 10 hour 2 blue plus, 8 hour one more blue plus and a purple plus, 6 hours in the middle is two coral plus.

In the first section of my 20 gallon sump I have my skimmer along with the pump and outlet for the media reactor.

The other section is where I have my media reactor (pumped and dumped back into the first section) with GFO tumbling on the bottom and carbon between two sponges at the top. I have an 800gph return pump, but closed off the valve to bring it somewhere around 400gph turnover.

I used the rest of the stand for my dosing pump and power strip(s) on the Reefkeeper. I just got the pump and am dialing in the dosing still. Trying to maintain around 1350 mag, 8.5 dKh, and 450 calcium. I want to eventually use the fourth pump for a kalk top-off at night out of a 10 gallon tank I have to find a way to hide.

Some livestock:

I'm hoping these monti caps will grow nicely together and not fight. The look very similar to me so hoping for the best. I have a frag of ORA pearlberry in the middle for the center piece.

My pair of clowns. One false percula and one snowflake

Jack 'o lantern :drool: one of my favorite

My nem, a forest fire digi, and pavona

I wish I could get the color in this one, but it is an aussie blue tip echinata. It looks much better irl. It is not bleached. There is tissue on the white parts, but the tips are a deep blue. Another favorite.

Gotta have a green slimer

Ponape birdsnest and some other stuff



Some coral I have had for a while, some are new, and some are frags from coral I had to rescue not too long ago.

For fish I have:

2 clowns
2 blue-green chromis
1 purple firefish
1 six-line wrasse

Will possibly get a midas blenny because they look cool and I want some yellow in my tank. I heard they go after firefish sometimes though.

Well, that's my tank and this is where I will track it's fortunes and failures. I'll be getting a mounting kit for the dosing pump soon and the tube holders to secure them in the sump. I ordered all at once, but got the dosing pump and the liquid holding container separately and still have not got the other two items. Apparently I'll be getting them by Tuesday.

For flow I have 3 Jebao WP-25s. I have two on the dual controller on the W1 setting and 1 on a single controller on else mode.

Filtration I have about 30 lbs of live rock, a protein skimmer, gfo, and carbon.

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