mardi 24 novembre 2015

Bryopsis Sump Scrubber Control Method?

OK so our tank is coming along nicely. After our unfortunate loss of Mr. Stripey we've decided to let the tank go barren for 2 months to kill the Ich. Any new additions are quarantined and treated with copper (LFS definitely has crypto), and not any of that other "all natural ich control" crap Kardon has been pushing out lately...

We noticed that Stripey may have introduced more than just Ich, as we now have a few small clusters of bryopsis algae. None of the cleanup crew will touch it. After pulling it out of the DT we noticed it keeps coming back, but in the past week or so it has slowed down. Upon checking the sump I found that not only has my chaeto grown to twice the size of a basketball, but also there is a very large hand-sized single cluster of bryopsis hanging out down there. My idea is that large the bryopsis in the sump is competing for the same micronutrients as the stuff in the display. Therefore, I am starting to move the small clumps (90% of them are in the sand, so easy to remove) and placing them in the sump. I guess nature has given me an answer and I am apparently constructing a algae scrubber out of Chaeto and bryopsis...
So far it seems to be slowing the bryopsis in the DT, I haven't seen any new clusters, and only the biggest clusters seem able to compete with the now very large tangle of chaeto/bryopsis.

Stay tuned for either a brilliant control method, or disastrous bryopsis takeover :firecracker:... :lol:

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