samedi 28 novembre 2015

Purchased my first livestock, what do you think?

Hello Everyone!
New to the saltwater world. Have been reading and learning a lot on here over the past couple of months. Purchased a used system (65g DT, 20g sump, about 60lb live rock, Coralife 220 skimmer, phosban 150 reactor not yet in use), and have had it set up for a bit now. Had a mini cycle, but nitrites,nitrates and ammonia all back to 0.
Today I purchased 3 snails and 2 emerald green crabs (lfs tried to talk me out of this and into a damsel!). I think the crabs are beautiful and am excited to observe them later. I drip acclimated them for about an hour. During the process the bigger of the 2 crabs lost a leg! I know they can grow back, but should I be concerned? I've read so many horror storries about emeralds so a little worried. I am currently keeping them in the dark to minimize stress and plan on feeding them later tonight. What do you think?

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