mercredi 25 novembre 2015

New 12 Gal Long

Hey guys first time on here. I have been reading through plantedtank forums for a year now and have been trying to decide what to do with a 12 gallon long I have. I originally got brought into the aquarium hobby with my interest in salt water so I got a tank on impulse. I have read a ton on keeping a planted freshwater tank but don't even know where to begin with salt water.

I am thinking about doing a nano reef in the 12 gallon and I want to use a spare 20 gallon(high) or get a hold of a standard 10 gallon tank to use a sump. I have also read so far the overflow and return flow is best done with drilling holes into the tank. Can someone confirm this? It is my understanding that by not drilling holes and using an external overflow there is risk of siphon breaking and flooding your floor?

Now is the 20 gallon tank better to use a sump? How should I set that up?

Drilling holes, how many and placement?

General reading references? Can someone point me to good sources for reading about what types of SW tanks there are? For example in freshwater planted there are certain tanks considered low,med,and high light that have different nutrient demands and light demands (higher light need more ferts and possible co2 injection)

I want a diverse tank because SW is so colorful. I want a wide array of colors what life would I have in it? Of course I want a clown and later on maybe an anemone, also the pistol shrimp/ goby combo would that work in a tank this size? Can I get some example lists of bioloads just to get an idea?

I will start with that guys of course I have much more to ask. I am new and I know that I could probably find this all if I looked hard enough but I would rather have you guys point me to the sources rather than search through endless pages. Thanks.

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