mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Uv sterilizer question

Hey guys i have a question see if i can get some help/ ideas. I have a 65gal tank with aump system. I have a coralife skimmer with the pump that runs about 317gph. I recently purchased the coralife 6x 18w to help prevent ich , bc i had an ich outbreak that killed 2 of my fishes. Unfortunately, the sterilizer requires 110gph and no more for it to kill parasites. I was planning on putting the sterilizer in line with the pump of the skimmer into its input and the output into the skimmer. This was ideal. But the gph would be too high and kill bacteria but,not parasites. Any ideas ? I thought about buying another pump but then how would that even work if both pumps would be in the same sump . ideas anyone?

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