mardi 24 novembre 2015

!~Help~!-Dead Clowns & Damsel (C.o.D. unkown)


Hi, I'm new to these forums, but not to fishkeeping. I've kept freshwater for years with no problems. However after careful research I've taken the dive into saltwater. If you wish not to read the entire post but still want to contribute, feel free to read the "TL;DR" section.

Aquarium Setup:

Tank: 20 Gallon High (24x12x16)
Filter: Marineland Penguin Bio-wheel 150b
Light: T8 15w 6500, Blue LED 2w. (17w total)
Heater: 50w Tetra (auto adjusted to 75F)
LR: 20 Lbs. (Pre-cured from LFS Aquarium)
LS: 20 Lbs. Caribsea.
Aeration: Bubblestone.


Water Parameters:

Nitrate-Less than 5
Cycle Process: Mini-Cycle. (LR was already fully established for over a year and was kept wet while transported from LFS to my DT.
Acclimation: 20 minute bag float, 25 minute drip acclimation.

TL;DR: -

1st Week:
Purchased all equipment listed above, and a Damselfish for the mini-cycle. Damselfish died 2 days later. Water params were: Ammonia-.50, Nitrite-0, Nitrate-5-, Salinity- 1.027. Damsel color was only faded. Did not appear like normal Marine Velvet, Brook, or Ich.

2nd Week:
Purchased Cleaner Shrimp, 3 Turbo Snails, and a Nassarius snail. 1+ Month later all are still very happy.

3rd Week: Purchased Clownfish x2 at local Petco (surprisingly good petco). (1x 3" Female, 1x 1.5" Male). 4 Days later male died, with what appeared like white powder covering his body. 2 days later female died. Same appearance on death. Water Params: Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrate-5+, Salinity 1.027.

Assumption: I want to say the cause of death to the clownfish was Marine Velvet Judging by Google images. However, the Damsel never showed signs of Marine Velvet, but maybe died because of the mini cycle? The cycle only lasted 2-3 days.

Question: Did Marine Velvet kill my fish? Why didn't the Damsel have a white film on its body? Did the Damsel simply die of stress?


More Details:
The entire setup was purchased brand new in the box. The LR did come pre-cured from the local LFS and was kept wet while transporting 20 minutes away. Prior to the death of the Damsel fish he did show labored breathing, and began hiding in rock crevices. To me this looked similar to the way fish act when ammonia levels are present (ammonia was .50). Damsel did fade some before death, but after death it was 75% faded to white. I returned to the LFS to inspect his stock. Nothing looked like Marine Velvet, although I did notice he kept very very few marine fish.

IMPORTANT to note: At the time of death of the Damselfish, everything that had entered my tank (Damsel too) had come from the same LFS, and nowhere else.

More Details: When purchasing the 2 Clownfish I was much more cautious. I carefully inspected both specimen. Both were very bright and energetic at the store, and in my home. I did notice the young male played at the surface and in the filter outflow a lot. He still looked happy with no signs of discoloration, although he did show very slightly heavy signs of labored breathing. I assumed this was because he was still adjusting to the new tank.

A couple days later I noticed the Female clown was being lethargic in an area with low current. After closer inspection I also noticed what appeared to be white film on the body. The film looked like a light dusting of powder but was very faint (not spotted like ich). I treated the fish immediately with freshwater baths in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of his breathing problems. The baths did seem to give him a boost of energy for a short time after each one. The clown died a couple days later. The white film looked very evident as Marine Velvet in my "Un-experienced opinion".

Conclusion: My inverts are still alive, and energetic to this day. Why are they alive and my fish are dying? Did I infect my tank with Marine Velvet with the first Damselfish? (No evident signs). Or did the Damsel die of simple stress from the mini cycle, and the clowns were actually the ones who brought in the Marine Velvet? Please help. : /

Thank your time. I know it has been a very lengthy post.


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