mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Getting a Blue Throat trigger to eat

Hey all! Its been awhile since I've been on here.
I'm seeking some advice as to how I should go about getting a new blue throat trigger to eat? I ordered him off LA and he arrived yesterday, and although he shows a tiny bit of interest in the food I throw in there he hasn't tried taking a bite of anything. He's pretty big, about 5" or so if that makes any difference.
I've tried brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, large pieces of krill, and other little "carnivore blend cubes," but all he's done so far is swim leisurely around the tank and look around like he's a little confused. lol
This is my first triggerfish, so I'm hoping someone with more experience than I can give me a couple pointers as to how to get this guy feeding!
Thank you.

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