lundi 23 novembre 2015

large white spotted hermit crabs and power cords??

I bought a whie spotted hermit crab for my fowlr tank (all large predatorish fish)
I needed some other form of clean up crew that wouldnt get eaten, and figured he was large enough!
Only other coc i had in the tank was a fighting conch that 98% of the time was burried in the sand. And a large sand 7" or so sand shifting star fish.

Well, within 20 minutes of the hermit being in the tank he found my conch and decided he wanted his shell, so he proceeded to turn him over and try to dig him out of it, meanwhile the conch was flipping and jumping from him. Had to pry them apart-literally as the hermit had a death grip on the conchs shell, and i moved the conch to my reef tank. Crisis averted.

After that things were good until a few days later...
Woke up and checked the tank, see crabzilla is eating something..look closer and hes chowing down on one of my starfishes legs!!!
Into the sump crabzilla went.
The starfish is okay for now, however is missing a couple tips of his legs, will hopefully heal up soon.

So now this is where my stupid question comes into play, crabzilla is currently in chamber 1 of my sump which is just the return section. My sump has some crud in it which i vacuum out on occasion, but i realized that section 1 of my sump is mostly clean...guess crabzilla likes the gunk, so id like to give him some access to tje rest of the sump, but im worried about my skimmer and return pumps cords being destroyed by his monsterous claw grip.
Is he likely to try and cut/climb the power cords?
Should i just leave him in the 1st compartment?

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