mercredi 25 mars 2015

Out with the old, in with the new

Sadly, I had to sell my 120 gal reef when I moved and my new place just hasn't been as homey with no fishes.

It was an old tank. The cabinet was worn, the finish coming off. Lots of spills absorbed into the wood, salt creep taking its toll. The display tank had some deep scratches and the coralline was heavy in the corners. The dual 250 watt halides pumped out enough heat to warm the room and the skimmer constantly gurgled.

It was as if the whole thing was alive, not just the residents of the display. It really had its own personality. So sad I was to see it go, yet, an opportunity arose.

I will soon be purchasing a 28 biocube. Equipped with dual pumps, a wave maker and enough LEDs to grow whatever I see fit, it will be an upgrade in equipment. Easy to clean glass, a bare bottom that is shallow enough to reach with my hands and maintenance will be easier than ever. No step stool needed.

I will also be able to afford the more expensive corals, as I have much less space to fill, and more PAR to play with.

This will go a long way in making my house a home.

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