dimanche 1 mars 2015

Cdsdave 135 tank specs

Here are the specs for my tank. It has been running for 7 months. It is a 135 gallon acrylic rectangle tank with corner overflows. A 45 gallon sump with 3 chambers (Skimmer/return/refugium). There are 3 baffles between the skimmer section and the return and an overflow between the refuge and return. Return sizes are 3/4 inch whlie intakes are 1 inch. I am using the Durso standpipe method in the overflows. There is a ball valve near the refugium intake that is partly shut to allow the bulk of the water to feed into the skimmer section. Estimated overall water volume is 150 gallons.

Mag drive 1800 pump with 3/4 inch return that splits at a t junction. I have a ball valve at a t junction just above the pump that has a next reef SMR1 connected to it. I am running Seachem Phosban in it (basically for silicate removal as phosphate levels are not known).

Skimmer is a Red Sea Berlin with a Rio 2500 pump

Salinity is 1.024

Following tests were performed on 3/1/15 using API

PH is 8.3

Ammonia is 0

Nitrite is 0

Nitrate is 40(yikes)

KH is 8

Phosphate is unknown (I only have the freshwater card)

I am using the Orbit marine 48 inch LED lighting strip set at 50% intensity.

There is 100 pounds of live rock (I bought it dry from BRS), and 140 pounds of live sand. I have a yellow tang, a blue tang, 1 pearl coated butterfly,1 Picasso trigger,1 flame angel, 2 clowns and a tiger stripe gobie (hes in the in fuge). There's also 1 BTA and a Haitian Nem.

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