dimanche 25 janvier 2015

Sick basslet?

I got a chalk bass Friday morning from liveaquaria and acclimated him like they said with the bag clipped to the side and adding water a little at a time. He hid in a cave Friday and I didn't bother him, left the room lights dimmed. I put him in a 5 gal with rocks and sand and some macro to keep an eye on him before he goes in my 55.

Yesterday he was pretty vigorous, swimming around all chill, then doing a little flash and strike at the glass, then resting in the cave and peeking out to look around. I did a really gentle 1g water change just off the top that evening in case the biofilter needed to catch up cause he was eating a lot but messily.

Today he doesn't seem as happy. Not into his food, sorta laying on the sand not too interested in whats going on and then doing a big spastic zoom around the glass frantically, not going for the surface, just up and down the sides. His top fin is laying down. I did another 1g change.

I tested 3x each day, with the last right before I changed water. Everything is steady as it was even before I got him: ph 8.2, ammo 0, trites 0, trates 10ish, sg 1.024, temp 78-80. He seemed like he was hiding from the high flow off my 450 so I put a piece of carbon floss in front of it Friday afternoon so now the current is gentle in the tank, but the surface is very ripply.

What does a normal breathing look like? I think it's a little fast, his mouth opens and closes maybe 80 per minute. It's close to my heartbeat. I'm trying to leave him alone, but I'm worried cause it's my first fish :(

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