lundi 26 janvier 2015

How am I doing so far?

Ok guys and girls,

So after all my homework, all my should I & Shouldn't I's and wondering about regrets, I feel I've researched and listened(read) enough to take the plunge! Here is my set up I picked up Saturday and my water parameters to this point.

I have learned a lot here in my short time involved and I appreciate all the wonderful comments and advice so please, let me know if so far this's all seems ok. Of course I will follow up with some questions so read to the end! :nuts:


29g long tank

Fluval Aqua clear70 300gph

Aqueon PH 500

Aqueon 100W heater

led lights on the way

Glass top on the way

skimmer? see question below.

Extra PH see below

Put tank together Sat. Added 3 types of Live rock then Live Sand then hand mixed distilled water 1/2 c salt per gal.

Tank turned totally cloudy white. I let every settle over night. There was about 15% clearing by morning. Today I turned on heater, pump and filter. Everything is running great and the tank is approx. 50% clear since this morning. So I did all my testing for a base line. I tested before pumps & filter had a chance to run so I will test again tonight to see if any change occurred. I used API Liquid test kit.

Water parameters. After settling over night. Filter just started.

No light, 72 temp

Salinity Reads PPT

Gravity 1.032

PH 8.2

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 5.0

So That's my set up. How am I doing? The salinity is up and Nitrate

First and most important, I have a new GFI adapter in outlet and a new power strip yet I get tiny baby shock when I touch the water. Is that normal? I mean really so tiny I wasn't sure that's even what It was at first..

but tiny or not I don't like it! Normal?

So regarding a skimmer. I was told it is not really necessary on a tank 30G or less. But I was told by a very knowledgeable person that its always good to have one and it will help keep the tank clean.

All that being said, If I don't really need one, can I get away with a small/cheep one? To give extra help in keeping things running smooth. Or should I get a good one? I found this for $115.00

Tunze protein skinner up to 140.

Same person told me only one 500 PH that I am using is more than enough for my 29L but I see 2 on lots of pictures of reef set ups...

Final question...(not really but you knew that!)

Do I need to do water change before I add fish? (hoping numbers will be good so I can get my first little fella :fish:Or just top off? I would think it not necessary to change water since not fish or coral are in it yet..

And that top off would be Distilled water only if I top off what evaporated? I wouldn't mix with salt correct? not until test?

Ok, hope I'm doing ok. Tank seems clearer even now! but when I touch the sand it gets bad again. Should I try to vacuum? oh wait I don't have a vacuum. Guess I need one?

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