lundi 26 janvier 2015

Anthias acting strange?

So I got an Anthia's and two clowns the other day, as I said in a prior post. This morning when I turned on my tank lights the fish came out as usual. I stepped away briefly to go grab some food for them. I come back to see the Anthia's hanging out with the Clownfish, and be puffs his fins up and turns over on his side, suspended in the water next to the clownfish. I thought that was bizarre, I noticed he did it a couple of times, each time he was close to the clowns. He swam away onto the other side of the tank and started acting fine again.

I go back later, he's huddled up with the clown fish again, lays over on his side again... Just floating next to them on his side. What in the world is this guy doing?

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