dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Sunday already!

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Scrambled eggs with cheese. Cowboy taters (that means with onions and peppers :drool:), homemade whole wheat toast, pink lady apples and nanners. Who will fix the meat portion?

Welp, I didn't make it back to yesterday's thread, so I reviewed it this AM.

Dick - that's cool to have a video clip of the young bull elk taking a water break.

Helen - 100 mile and hour gusts and rain! Scary stuff over there. That's crummy about the water pump not turning back on. I hope it came back on by magic.

Perry - Way to go on your costume success. Some folks need to get out of the rut with their costumes.

Time for church. Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

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