dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Question about filtration.

Just a quick question about filtration on my 75 gal. I'm one of the sumpless tank guys. Don't have a drilled tank and don't have the room for one either. Tank is three months old, has a few fish, 3 corals which are zoa, GSP and hammer. CUC consists of 1 fighting conch, brittle star, emerald crab, 2 cleaner shrimp 2 peppermint shrimp, about 20 or so hermits. Scarlett mostly, 10 cerith snails and one trocis snail. Still get small diatoms here and there. I use RODI water from a good LFS and last test showed all 0 on ammonia nitrite and nitrate. I run a reef octopus bh2000 HOB skimmer rated for 200gal. power heads 850 and 1550 gph koralias and an eheim 2217 canister. Was thinking of running just carbon and GFO in the canister now. How could I do this?

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