jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Phosphate removal in a Fluval G6 filter system

Our tank is about 4 months old (75 gallon with fish, inverts, corals) and we are starting to see ALGAE. We started with the brown stuff but now have red slime, stringy green stuff, and lots of who knows what layering on our glass (needs to be cleaned weekly).

We have pretty high phosphate levels in our tap water and what I have done to help is to use a fluval phoshate cartridge for a day or so in place of the carbon canister filter every water change. This works well and does bring the phosphate to zero (as best I can tell with the crappy test kit I have for phosphate). The problem is levels do climb in-between water changes so I want to do something that works 24-7 and not just at water changes. I have purchased Phos-Ban and waiting for its arrival via UPS.

My question is which of my proposed plans would be best in a Fluval G6:

1) put the PhoBan in a mesh bag and put it in the top biologic tray

2) put it in with the carbon either by A) separating the carbon and phosBan with a fiber batting or aquarium wool plug (or whatever they call it but I do have some for aquarium use); or B) by mixing the carbon and phosban together (I thought this might be good because it would prevent clumping of the phosban effectively reducing its surface area).

For those not familiar with the G6, it has a chemical cartridge filter that is not an in/out but filters water at all levels of the filter which I think is good for using PhosBan in it. The biologic tray I believe lets water pass around a mesh bag with anything in it plus I would worry that the Phosban might clump up in it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! except for using RO/DI water!!! That is coming but not yet!!

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