mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Lawnmower Blenny+Yellow Tang LOL

Anyone else notice these two competing for hair algae in your tank? It's hilarious in my tank. Everywhere the Yellow Tang goes to graze on algae the Lawnmower blenny is close behind, at times attempting to nip at him, or tail whip him. The Yellow Tang is about a week in my tank, and the Blenny about a month in tank. Maybe the Blenny thinks all the hair algae is his now?

Needless to say, I got the Yellow Tang because I felt that the Blenny wasn't doing a sufficient job in keeping hair algae down to a minimum. So far the Tang has been a green hair algae eating machine. Time will tell if he actually helps keep it gone for good, surely he wont.

A side note, I got my skimmer up and running, and my fish seem happier overall. I went with the coralife 125 skimmer on my 75g tank, and the water cleared up overnight, especially the surface as I was noticing it getting brown on the surface(yuck). Just thought I'd share the battle of my tang and Blenny!

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