mardi 15 juillet 2014



90 gallon reef set up for over 3 years. many coral, ritteri, snails and crabs.

Fish included 2 true percs, 1 blue/green chromis, 1 mandarin, 1 orchid dottyback, 1 dual spot blennie, and a yellow eye kole tang.

the kole tang I am sure is who brought the sickness into my tank. Against my better judgement, I let my husband bully me into placing the tang into my DT after only a week of quarantine because he looked fine to him. he lasted about a week and came down with a white cloudy film over him. I tried to catch him again and didn't work. he ended up dieing. 2 days later my true perc came down with the brooklynella. text book white slimy cloudlyness over the black. I immediately did research and oulled them out did a 5 min FW dip and placed them in the QT awaiting me to get formeldihyde to do further treatments. they look great and still eating in the QT. I am trying to catch my fish as I can to do the same. My question is this... it says to leave the tank fallow for 4-6 weeks. does this include snails and crabs also? and I have a conch. Any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance

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