dimanche 27 juillet 2014

I O salt, how long can it stay in mix?

I've recently switched to IO from TMPro. Big difference in cost.

My TMPro salt I didn't mind to keep in mix even up to a month

using what I did as I went, and occasionally adding water then salt back in

before I reached the bottom of the Brute.

Sometimes I would mix salt and leave it in the Brute 10 days maybe 2 weeks

before I got around to using it for the initial WC it was intended for

but maybe siphoning a bit now and then till I did the main WC.

I liked the cleanliness of the ™ salts and honestly so far the IO

has been more clean than I expected it to be.

How long can it stay mixed up. I remember Helen naming a brand, Salinity I think by Aqua Vitro maybe???

and an email they sent her said to use it within a short time frame…

obviously I'm not the aquarist for that salt.

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