mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Reef at a hault

I've had my reef tank for over about two years now 90G. I had to go away to college so my parents have been "caring" for the tank. I was dosing a two part A and B calcium alkalinity solution, but since ive been in school my parents ran into a problem and over dosed, so i stopped the dosing and now that im here for summer break im trying to get the tank back to normal. Water parameters seem ok pH is low and calcium is a bit high but nothing too crazy. My local reef store recently closed and because of this i have to change to dosing kalkwasser. I also bought Calcium and pH buffer. This seems much more complicated then what i expected. Ive done research online and i see many people simply use a 1teaspoon:1Gallon ratio for the Kalk and drip the solution into the tank using a gravity fed valve. Is this method ok? How long do I let the drip dose the tank for? Im just a bit overwhelmed and need some pointers.:(

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