jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Water delima

The other day my shrimp died out of the blue it seemed. A few days have gone by and my mandarin isn't looking so hot. The rest of the fish are fine though which is why I'm confused.

I checked the water parameters and everything appears to be on point. At least what I'm able to test.

Salinity - 1.026

Ammonia - ~0

Nitrites - ~0

Nitrates - ~5

PH - 8.1

I do 45g water changes every 2-3 weeks on my 200ish gallon tank.

Here is my delima...I'm not sure what is causing the sickness from my shrimp and mandarin but I would really like to do a massive water change. However I noticed the other day that my ro/di filters are going bad. I saw up to 40ppm on my tds. (I should really check that more often) Anyways I ordered new filters and should be in tomorrow or the day after. What would you personally do? Use the poorly filtered water which may or may not work or wait for the filters and hope that the mandarin pulls though whatever is going on?

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