dimanche 27 juillet 2014

kinda lost

So I have been having a bit of a cyano issue off and on for awhile now. Being that I started reefing using trt I do it the way that Geoffrey doc and the older trt members do it. Keep a ssb with weekly water changes good flow good skimmer. The way they do it makes sense in my head that's why I always followed it. As I'm sure many have noticed trt has slowed down a lot since I joined ( it's picking back up some) so I have joined other forums mostly just to read but sometimes post questions. So I have cyano and almost every person is trying to tell me not to siphon my bed any more and that's the issue that I'm siphoning out all the denitritfying bacteria. So I have these people telling me I have a phosphate issue possibly low flow issue and they are telling me to stop and leave my tank alone. Then have the nerve to tell me I'm getting defensive and not following there great advice. I don't consider myself a hard head but usually if you have high phosphate isn't the first thing you do is to start siphoning and changing water. I also don't test phosphate why bother if I can test 0 for phosphate and have algae why bother just seeing the issue should mean I have extra phosphate who cares what that number really is. I guess I'm ranting here but trt was always my home for reefing and a whole forum is saying you guys have led us all with bad info.

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