mardi 29 juillet 2014

Refugium Advice

Hello All,

I need some advice on my return water from my external refugium. I currently have a 75G DT with Eschopps RS-100 Berlin style sump. I plan to "T" off from my DT return pump 3/4" vinyl tubing with ball valve to a 20G high external refugium that will sit right next to the Eschopps sump. I have (2) scenarios and need help in deciding which is best for the refugium:

1. Drill and install 1" bulkhead in the 20G refugium to gravity feed back to the Eschopps sump. The problem I see here is that the same water that's traveled through the refugium could go right back to the refugium via the "T" in the return pump feed.

2. Add a separate return pump chamber in the refugium that feeds direct to the DT. If this is recommendation, what size return pump do you recommend for the refugium?

My main return pump located in the last chamber of the Eschopps sump is a Sicce Syncra 4.0 (951 GPH). I'm not sure how to calculate the flow into the refugium from the "T" in the return, however this will be adjustable via the inline ball valve.

I plan to keep a DSB in the refugium along with chaeto and live rock rubble - mainly for nitrate/phosphate reduction and pod growth. I'm unsure of the 75G DT flow to the Eschopps sump, but it's a single corner overlow with 1-1/4" drain to the Eschopps sump.

Your advice is appreciated!

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