jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Dr. Tims One and Only….. and high nitrites

Ok. I am on day 22 of a fish less cycle in a 45g (60g total volume) system. Im using all dry rock and no substrate. I dosed ammonia to 2ppm and added Dr. Tims One and Only 22 days ago.

7 days ago I tested and got 0ppm ammonia and >5ppm nitrites. Did 25% WC (15g) and still tested at what I would call >5ppm. Dosed to 2ppm ammonia again, tested 24 hours later and saw 1.2ppm ammonia and >5ppm then had to leave until today.

When I got home I had 0ppm ammonia and >5ppm nitrites.

I say its above 5ppm because the API test says to wait 5 minutes to check results. I get the darkest purple on the chart instantly. I checked it against my established tank to verify my kit. It reads light blue - 0ppm.

Did a 33% WC because Dr Tims website says that nitrites above 5ppm will inhibit cycling. However, it still reads 5ppm (darkest purple on test) instantly!! This means I was at 7.5ppm Nitrites minimum!

I also noted that it says not to add ammonia until ammonia AND nitrites are <0.5ppm. I screwed this up:look around: I have tested for nitrates but all info says that high nitrites can skew nitrate readings.

I contacted Dr. Tims this afternoon asking for instruction on how to proceed but have not heard back yet.

Just got the idea to dilute my test sample with fresh RO to scale results to get a better idea how high above 5ppm they actually are…

It wouldn't make sense to me to change 100% water in a week during a cycle but sounds like thats what it would take to drop nitrites to less than 5ppm but then again I'm a newb and will consider any advice.

Regardless of opinions of bacterial additives I need help on moving forward from this point. I did not wish to speed cycle up by way of additives but rather to provide the system with beneficial bacteria that dry rock doesn't have. Thanks in advance

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