mercredi 30 juillet 2014

water change or should i wait it out?

Hello, I'm new here. I just started my 25g hex acrylic tank 2 weeks ago. I'm doing a fishless cycle with dr. Tims ammonium chloride. My only concern is that my nitrites might be too high, I've dose the ammonia to 3ppm the first time once it went down to 1ppm I dosed it back to 2ppm & on the 3rd day I got a nitrite spike by the 5th day it was off the chart, ever since i have dose 1ppm everytime it hits to 0 & about 5 days straight the ammonia hits 0 overnight so I re dose 1ppm everyday now. I've read that if nitrites are too high it might stall your cycle so that comes to the question should i do a water change or am I on the right track & I should wait it out. I am now on day 15 & nitrites been off the chart since day 5.

My tank has only 20 pounds of base dry rock & 20 pounds of live sand. Ph 8.2 throughout the cycle. Ammonia 0. Nitrite 5+. Salinity 1.024

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