jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Overstocked?! Need Opinions...

Hi, everyone! Hope your week is going well!

We are upgrading from a 75g (listed in 'Tank Specs') to a 180g. This tank is being given away and is coming with some already established residents. I really wanted some opinions on whether this tank will be mis-stocked/overstocked. All the fish are fully grown!

All together there will be:


2 ocellaris clowns

2 green chromis (C. viridis)

1 bicolor angel

1 red-stripe angel

1 bicolor foxface

1 yellow coris wrasse

1 yellow tail damsel


3 urchins

1 chocolate chip star



2 blue chromis (C. cyanea)

1 yellow tang

1 hippo tang (P. hepatus)

1 white faced tang (A. japonicus)

1 pink spot goby

The 180 also has some mushrooms that will be partially allocated to our 30g softy tank and traded in to our local aquaculturer/given to the LFS.

We are thinking of taking all 4 chromis to our LFS, if they will take them. Long term, we would like to get a pair of Pakistan butterflies (C. collare), but wouldn't mind getting something smaller, depending on the bioload.

Does it sound feasible?!


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