mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Sump Building

Hey Guys, tomorrow I'll be picking up the stuff I need to turn my 20G long into my new sump, it will be pretty basic with my drain coming into the skimmer section and a bubble trap to seperate the skimmer from the return section.

Are there any guidelines for how big each section should be? Other than big enough for the skimmer/return pump? and for the bubble trap, do I need the third baffle to make it an over-under-over? or are two baffles setup as an over-under good enough? Also how much space should I leave between the baffles?

Right now I am using a 15 gallon with no baffles for a sump, no skimmer at the moment either since i snapped the impeller shaft :doh: and a problem I'm having is I can watch detrius come down the drain, float across the sump and get sucked up by the return and go back up into the tank. I'm hoping that adding the baffles, having a longer sump and eventually getting the skimmer going again will help stuff to settle more.

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