mardi 29 juillet 2014

DIY shallow reef using 3/16" glass?

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I have been on here so apologies. Trying to raise newborns during tough economic times left me with no money or time. My 29 biocube looks like Crap. Anyways i have this idea to build a shallow reef tank. They have been capturing my interest lately. So at work I came across two fish tanks was able to take. They were going to throw them out. One was a 29 gallon standard and the other a thirty gallon long. My idea is to take the long pieces of glass from both tanks to make a shallow reef at 36" x 30" x 12". My question is the glass strong enough? It is only 3/16" thick, but it seemed to be holding their original form fine. And at only 12" high it won't be putting that much stress on the glass. Of course for extra security was going to euro brace it also. If I go through with this I am also going to drill for overflow plumbing. So what does everyone think? Yes.......or no?

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