mercredi 30 juillet 2014

10 month old 20 gallon, Top 5 Questions!

Hi guys, this is my first post after reading and snooping for several years now. I have taken bits and pieces of a lot of threads trying to create the best chance for life and growth in my tank. I was hoping you all could answer my last couple of questions. I allow a lot of time before I introduce new livestock and believe that is key to why my numbers are generally so stable. My goals right now are to add color color color, maybe one day go hard corals but I'm thinking more bubble anemone in my future and colorful fish.

Here is my tank and specs:

(I can't upload a pic of my tank here but it is in my album along with some other pics of my livestock, lights, etc.)

20 gallon

1 Aquaclear 10 powerhead

1 Aqueon 20 gallon in tank power filter

1 Aqueon heater 50W

1 Actinic F14-T5-BP 120V light

1 10,000K F14-T5-BP 120V light - these are both on from 8 am to 8 pm.

15-20 lbs live rock

20 lbs live sand


3 damsels, (first two original to tank to cycle it, third bought about 3 months ago) I feed them twice a day, at about 7:30 am and 7:30 pm.

1 lawnmower blenny (3 months in tank)


4 blue legged hermit crabs (2 - 3 months in tank, 2-new)

1 turbo snail (about 3 months in tank after my ceriths died)

1 shrimp - not sure of species but he barely does anything but sit on or near the heater all day and night. He doesn't clean, just eats the brine dust that comes his way.

1 Nassarius that's been in the tank one week


1 patch of button polyps (one week in tank)

1 green mushroom (one wk in tank)

1 red mushroom (one wk in tank)

I've had some starfish come and go - I believe the emerald crab I had was eating them and the ceriths. Currently I have some sand dwelling brittle star fish that rarely come out unless I move stuff.

I was just refilling evaporation and had never done a partial water change until this weekend. I always have good numbers:

80 degrees constant, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, 8.1 ph, 1.024 -1.025 sal. (This weekend it had been creeping up to 1.026 and I was refilling with just de-chlorinated water so I'm not sure what was going on with that. But I believe that played a factor in my emerald crab dying off.) I didn't realize that even if my numbers were good that the salt water mix would be adding a lot of minerals that the tank needed so I did a 4 gallon water change the day after I acclimated all my new SPS. I am dosing Ca every two days because I really have no coralline growth since this past weekend.

So here's my questions:

1. Does anything look array with how I'm keeping my tank?

2. Are my lights strong enough for my sps to grow? I believe they are 14 Watts, there's a pic of them in my albums that I'm not allowed to link to just yet. But they are 1 Actinic F14-T5-BP 120V light and 1 10,000K F14-T5-BP 120V light

3. I want moonlight! What is the easiest way to add some moonlight to this tank? Also, financially pleasing! lol

4. I vacuumed my sand for the first time this weekend because I had always heard that your sandbed has just a ton of organisms and systems that you don't want to ruin, but then again I read it can't filter water if it's totally clogged up with too much stuff. What is your opinion and if you do it, how often? Does anyone recommend only disturbing the front for clean appearances?

5. I have a power head that I feel could be stronger for my size tank; however I'd really like a wave maker right now. Should I leave my wimpy Aquaclear 10 power head and ADD a wavemaker, take out the power head and add a wavemaker that serves as both, or do I not need a wavemaker for a tank of my size? I can't spend over $50 on a wavemaker - suggestions?

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you guys! I'm so excited to finally be a member of this community and can't wait to hear your opinions!

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