mardi 15 juillet 2014

Snail ID - Possibly a whelk?

I found this guy in my sump this evening when checking my skimmer (pictures attached). Without thinking I picked him up and put him in the DT hoping he would take care of the hair algae on the little rock shown in the pic. I watched him move around for a bit then proceeded to try to identify the species hoping it was an algae grazer. When I turned around to take a look at it again, he had wrapped around a small cerith snail shell. I am not 100% whether or not there was actually a snail in it as there were a couple of empty shells from some snails that had died I was treating with Flatworm Exit for a flatworm issue I had previously. After seeing the possible "attach" to another possible snail, I decided to throw him back in the sump until I could ID it better. From pictures and the way it looks, I am leaning toward a whelk possibly. Has one antenna like a nassarius but it also has two stinger looking appendages coming out of the head area.

Also in the pic, I bought that mushroom a while back and totally forgot what it was, if anyone knows what it is offhand that would be great also :P

TLDR; Whelk or other snail species, and is it good/bad?

Side View; toward the base of the mushroom. I Noticed that the mushroom retracted a bit when the snail got close, not sure if that means anything.

Glass view

Had some bad luck on a piece of rock I got recently... Would hate to throw out something beneficial. :bawling:

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