jeudi 1 mai 2014

Brown jelly on duncans

So i noticed one of the heads of my branching duncan was covered in brown jelly, so i quickly sucked what i could off with a turkey baster and fragged that branch and placed it in my qt tank since there were still 2 healthy heads on that branch. Two days later jelly appeared on another head of that frag so i removed it then dipped it this time (my mistake for not doing it the first time) but i also dipped the duncan too. Today both had jelly one them, the frag still has one healthy head but now i have 2 small frags (the infected ones) and i decided to split the coral in half since the jelly seemed to be appearing on the same side.

Has anyone successfully beaten brown jelly? is there anything else i can do or do i just need to keep this up? Thanks.

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