jeudi 29 mai 2014

Need some help here! Live rock

Hello everyone,

So my friend has a 75 gallon tank and after being at his house a couple times I was getting tired of my small 30 gallon tank so I bought a 60 gallon tank.

I transferred all the corals, 30 pounds of live rock and about 10 gallons of water over with the rest of the water being new saltwater ( I have a RO/DI system and everything) My question is I know I do not have enough live rock and my neighbor is selling his dry fiji rock for $1 a pound. I was wondering if I bought 20 pounds and put this in my tank if it would cause a mini cycle? I need some help and pretty fast, I really do not want to go through another cycle especially since I have some really nice corals now. My 30 gallon has been set up for over a year.

Corals I have are: 3 montiporas, biggest one bigger then a softball.

SOOO many pulsing xenias, have them isolated on one side

two hammer corals, each one has at least 5 heads

One frogspawn, with 5 heads

One big green Galaxy coral

Two leather corals

Four huge green hairy mushrooms.

Everything has been growing so much, so I am wondering if adding this 20 pounds of dry rock to my tank that only has 30 pound of live rock right now if it will cause a cycle or a mini cycle.

Thanks you guys!

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