jeudi 29 mai 2014

Moving 150 Gallon Tank

I'm new to the saltwater community but, I have to move my 150 gallon tank from one house to another this weekend, I was curious if you guys had any suggestions other than what I had already planned to do.

My tank has been set up for about two months now and I have to move it (I know ideally I should have waited but I couldn't help myself)

I have 4 55 gallon garbage bins so I can save my water/ try to make transporting as easy as I can.

I have a spare tote I will fill with water for my live rock

I was going to put my corals in a 5 gallon bucket of water same with my fish (trigger and two clowns)

My drive time is about 10-15 minutes.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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